Account Deletion

We offer this as a self-service for users to opt out of Travel-Wise but do consider leaving your account active and returning to our community later.

Please note by deleting your account below, you will be removing yourself from the system, and all personally identifiable data will be purged. You are free to create a new account at a later time. This is a permanent deletion, and all traces of your account will be removed. Itineraries contributed will remain in the system but no longer attributed you your account. You may delete these manually before removing your account if that concerns you.

You may also remove your account directly from your profile page. Click the user icon on the top of the navbar, then click the icon below to open a new sub-menu with quick links to various account pages. Click “Account Settings”. Off to the left of this page, you’ll be able to remove your account.

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Warning message!
Error message!