Terms Of Service

Failure to abide by these terms will consider and review for banishment from the community and services. In addition, further actions that are severe and with ill intent may lead to civil or criminal justice if needed. We will build a more legally compliant terms of service, in the future. However, in the meantime, please respect the following.

Abiding to the terms of service of Travel-Wise and participation in its’ community implies you know and accept the rules.

  • Be respectful. We are trying to build a community around travel, adventure, and friendship. Please respect everyone in the community despite different perspectives in life and culture. Do not harass, spam, personally attack, or make suggestions that could harm another.
  • Help us help you. The authors of Travel-Wise will do their best to provide a safe, transparent, and respectful community through automated tooling and solutions. We will see to find moderators to uphold what we stand for. However, failure to uphold this in all cases is human, and we will do our best to serve the community as well. If we have failed to provide quality or the best of intent anywhere, please reach out to us so we can take action to address these issues.
  • Do not try to abuse the website or community. Do not attempt to use the website, branding, content, or tools to serve a purpose that is not aligned with the community. Instead, reach out to us first, and let us work together to make it happen.
  • Don’t try to steal the data. Do not scrape or try to mine the data from Travel-Wise without permission to do so. Manual usage of all Travel-Wise tooling through the website or clearly exposed functionality is fine. Please do not build automation around doing this, however.
  • No spamming. The community and data around Travel are intended to be driven by real people. Therefore, spam by a real person or automation for advertising, nefarious intents, or other reasons will not be tolerated.
  • No underage users. This community is intended for adults with a passion for travel. Due to this theme, we will not be addressing the necessary safeguards needed for a younger crowd and explicitly are calling out this website is not intended for individuals under the age of 18.
  • No disturbing, insulting, pornographic, or insensitive content. Racist, sexist, offensive, pornographic comments, content, or images are allowed. Use your best judgment and uphold respect for others around you.
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