How To Get The Android & iOS Apps For Travel-Wise

Travel-Wise is, by design, built as a web app that can be installed from the website directly on iOS and Android but is now also available as an installable app on the respective mobile stores! Offline mode is supported in all versions! Use Travel-Wise however you prefer, and we’ll make sure your trips are easy to plan and available when needed. Let’s see how to get the Android & iOS apps For Travel-Wise.

For a full list of the features Travel-Wise offers as a part of the apps, please check out the list here.

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Download now from the Google Play Store. If you support Travel-Wise and its’ direction, give us a 5-star rating to help others discover us!


Travel-Wise is currently offered on iOS as a PWA app (see below).

PWA (Progressive Web App)

PWA is installed directly from the website and behaves like an App but isn’t retrieved through an app store. This form factor may be preferable on some platforms that support PWAs. If you are in an environment that supports PWA, click the button below to install it!

It won’t appear if your environment does not support it or you have it already installed.

Alternatively, the CDC has a great write-up that we’ll reference here that walks through installing a PWA on different environments, including iOS and Android.

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