The Beauty Of The Life Of An Adventurer

Posted May 8, 2023 in Engineering Around Travel - Last updated November 9, 2023


We at Travel-Wise aspire to inspire our readers to discover new ways of thinking and exploring the world and try to provoke thoughts and inspiration for you to go on your adventures. In this article, we’ll go over my travels with my wife and friends worldwide. We always aspire to see new things and parts of the world that are not easy to see. It is in difficulty to access that lies the challenge one must overcome to see such beautiful places. So let’s dive in and explore some of our world adventures in the beauty of the life of an adventurer!

Adventures of a Hiker

Many places can only be accessed on your two feet. Hiking is a great sport to get into and see things that are harder to see. It will keep you in great physical shape and have much more extensive access to things off the beaten path. You will feel things are more earned, too.

Incan Trail To Machu Picchu

Incan Trail To Machu Picchu

Our hiking experiences have taken us all over the world. Some of the most epic hikes we’ve experienced were the Incan Trail to Machu Picchu in Peru, which took us up and down several mountain passes and through numerous Incan mountain cities that were contributors to the central city in the region, Machu Picchu. It was extra unique as the only way to reach these sites was by the trail, and thus, they are relatively close to Machu Picchu itself, which is accessible by buses by droves. The hike is done with a guide that helps teach all about the culture, history, and details of the Incan empire. The trip was so enjoyable, but by the time we reached Machu Picchu, I felt a bit of disappointment from the pristineness of what we experienced along the Incan trail compared to the hoards of people found at Machu Pichu.

Incan Trail To Machu Picchu
Incan Trail To Machu Picchu
Incan Trail To Machu Picchu

Huemul Circuit

Huemul Circuit

I must add a strong asterisk that the Huemul Circuit is a dangerous hike. It requires technical tying into a steel wire and dragging yourself across a wire over deadly drops. Further, wind, like nothing else, has character and wants to blow you right off that trail. With that said, Huemul Circuit was a challenge for us technically and physically as we made the trail in a condensed amount of time to clear a weather window that popped up. We truly enjoyed the trail. Seeing the Patagonia ice field with your own eyes is no trivial thing, and the Huemul Circuit is one of the easiest ways to see it aside from the “O” circuit at Torres Del Paine. Huemul was one of the most beautiful trails we’ve experienced. Pictures honestly don’t do it justice.

Huemul Circuit
Huemul Circuit
Huemul Circuit

Adventures of a Mountaineer

Mountaineering isn’t for everyone and requires learning about the technical side. When you are climbing, it means that falls are often fatal. Thus, it would be best to have technical equipment and know how to use it to mitigate the risks properly. There is a learning curve, and the technical equipment imposes challenges of extra weight, but some places offer beauty like no other, and climbing is the only way up there.

Climbing Mount Baker

Climbing Mount Baker

My wife and I were on a fitness challenge to lose as much weight as possible in two months. We climbed Mount Baker (in Washington State, USA) during this time. I felt weak with the low-calorie diet we were undergoing, but the superb weather and beautiful views of Mount Baker during this trip were unforgettable. When we got to the Roman Wall, there was a long line on the trail, and we decided to go straight up the wall. When we beat the line and reached the peak, a partial cloud sea stretched across the horizon, greeting the morning light from the sun peaking over the horizon. We had the best views I’ve ever seen at the peak that day. Unforgettable, and it made it all worth the effort!

Climbing Mount Baker
Climbing Mount Baker
Climbing Mount Baker

Colchuck and Dragontail Peak

Colchuck and Dragontail Peak

We’ve always had a soft spot for the Enchantments in Washington State, USA. The Enchantments are brutal through hikes to get to if you go all the way in a day. However, it is some of the greatest beauty one can see on this planet—fairytale-level stuff. Through the Enchantments, two intimidating peaks greet you when you must climb Asgard Pass. Colchuck Mountain and Dragontail Peak. I’ve always wanted to climb these; we did just that a couple of years ago. We climbed it with a group of friends. We had a plan and executed it smoothly. The weather held up, and we spotted clouds with sunshine that made all the effort worthwhile.

Colchuck and Dragontail Peak
Colchuck and Dragontail Peak

Adventures of a Scuba Diver

Scuba diving is also very technical and has a lot of associated equipment. However, conquer the initial PADI instructional courses and become a certified open-water diver, and you get access to a wealth of places to see and explore like no other. The world under the ocean, seas, and lakes through Earth is terrestrial and an experience like no other. Scuba diving is my favorite sport as we learn more about the ocean, habits, and cultures of ocean life.

Komodo Islands

Komodo Islands

Komodo Islands in Indonesia are known for ripping currents and elegant beauty for their hikes on the small islands dotted through the Komodo Islands chain. Not to mention getting to see the great Komodo dragons themselves. Seeing Komodos in action and the hierarchy and culture they’ve created is truly unique. Scuba diving is not only challenging but very rewarding. The biodiversity of things you see throughout the Komodo Islands is unique worldwide. Some dives were optional because of how intense the currents would be. However, my wife and I never skipped; we were always up for testing or skills against the tremendous currents. We certainly did experience some intense currents, but we had a great time doing it!

Komodo Islands
Komodo Islands
Komodo Islands



Soccorro is sometimes called “mini Galapagos” because it is a series of volcanic islands in the middle of the Pacific. The islands of Soccorro are a significant destination for large aquatic life in the ocean as it serves as an oasis in the desert and a suitable rest stop for many large animals in the ocean. With that also comes unique behavior from ocean life. They are playful. Often, in other parts of the world, you can sneak up and observe whales, mantas, and other large animals on their everyday goings. But in Soccorro, things are there to rest and recover. They are much more willing to interact with people and play with you than elsewhere. Everything is so curious at Soccorro that seeing and observing this behavior makes the trip worthwhile.


Adventures of a Skier

Skiing opens many doors to mountain life and provides an enjoyable means of transportation for getting around the mountains. You see some amazing things and can experience unforgettable moments as you improve the never-ending journey to mastering the art of skiing.



Whistler is the most legendary ski mountain in the Americas. However, going there when the snow is promising is some form of art. Time your trip well and be amazed at the variety of runs both Whistler and Blackcomb peaks offer. With fantastic tree runs, heart-pumping double diamond runs, and, best of all, hardly any hiking is needed! The only hiking I recall is a small trek from the Blackcomb t-bar to the top of the glacier or Spanky’s Ladder. The hikes are short, although sometimes icy. One can easily spend several days trying to hit all the double diamonds. The two peaks and the variety are impressive.


Big Sky

Big Sky

Big Sky is the most challenging mountain I’ve experienced. With true no-fall zones and their “triple” diamond ratings, which are justified. From the Big Coulour, which is a steep and terrifying narrow descent through a couloir. To the long and terrifying hikes off Challenger 3 to get to the entire grand selection of challenging triple diamond runs. Each run will feel terrifying, and utilizing your skills as a skier to circumvent safely. You cannot fall, as falling could be fatal. Big Sky is a fantastic mountain with the most advanced terrain and beautiful views.

We hope you’ve enjoyed learning about some of our favorite travels. We truly hope we’ve inspired you to embrace the beauty of the life of an adventurer! Make sure to like this article to hear more about our adventures!

Big Sky
Big Sky
Big Sky


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