How to Get Started With Mountain Biking

Posted March 2, 2023 in Travel Guide - Last updated May 2, 2024


Mountain biking is one of the most popular outdoor activities in the world. The sport requires balancing on a bike and riding down mountain trails at high speeds for hours. If you are a beginner, there are many things to remember when going up or down a hill. Read on to learn a few of these tips, and let’s dive in and learn how to get started with mountain biking.

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Get the right gear

Your first step is to get a bike that fits you. Of course, you’ll need to try out different sizes and styles before making a decision, but here are some things to look for when shopping:

  • Look for bikes that fit your height and weight requirements. For example, if you are 5′ 11″, don’t buy anything smaller than 6′, or you won’t be able to reach the pedals effectively. If you weigh 150 pounds, avoid bikes with wheels under 20 inches in diameter.
  • Ensure the handlebars are positioned where they should be—i.e., not too high or low. They should be far enough apart so that their width isn’t too wide, angled slightly upward at about 30 degrees from vertical. This way, they’re easier on your wrists when leaning over them while riding.

Don’t forget your helmet

Wearing a helmet is one of the most important things you can do to stay safe on trails. Helmets are designed to protect your head from injuries but also help prevent neck strain and damage to your face. If you’re going to ride down a mountain, you must wear a helmet every time.

Start small and slow

When starting out on a mountain bike, taking things one step at a time is essential. You’ll have more success if your first few days of riding are spent in a familiar and comfortable environment. Then, once you feel confident with the bike, add some hills into the mix. They’ll help build up endurance as well as improve balance and coordination.


The first thing you should do is practice the basics of mountain biking in a flat, open area. This will help you get used to handling your bike and feel comfortable before going out into the woods. It also helps to know how to shift gears before hitting hills or steep inclines.

Shifting gears is one of the most important advice for a beginner mountain biker. It’s also important to practice shifting before hitting the trails. You must know how to do it on flat ground and in an open area before having control over your bike when going uphill.

Keep your body loose & springy

You’ll want to keep your arms and legs loose to stay loose and springy. This is especially important if you are riding on a trail that has roots or rocks hidden beneath the surface.

Breathe deeply as you ride so your muscles don’t tighten up when they need to respond quickly. When in doubt, breathe.

It’s also important to keep your upper body relaxed so it can react quickly if an obstacle comes unexpectedly in front of you. Never forget that this is a mountain bike trail with obstacles everywhere. Be prepared for bumps along the way but try not to let them bother you too much.

Remember that momentum is your friend

Momentum is your friend. When you’re going downhill, momentum keeps you moving forward and helps you keep control of the bike. It’s important to remember that momentum allows you to stay upright on a bike, but it can also be used against you if you’re not careful.

A good mountain biker will always be aware of their body weight and how much pressure they put on the pedals while riding. If too much weight is placed on one pedal (like in an uphill climb), then this will cause it to stop moving forward. This is because there isn’t enough support coming from above or below. But when too little pressure is applied by either one foot or both feet at once, it won’t hold up as well either way.

Ride with people who are better than you

The best way to learn how to ride is by riding with people who are better than you. Of course, you can get stout by riding with a friend or family member. But if that’s not possible, consider finding a group of riders who are faster than yourself and slower than yourself. Once you have found a group of riders equal in skill level, it will be easier for them to teach each other new tricks or tips on how not to crash.

You should also try riding with people who are more experienced than you as well as less experienced ones.

Rest Hard

Rest is an important part of the process when you’re training for a race. In addition, rest days are necessary to promote recovery and mental health, so take them.


Before you head out on your first mountain biking adventure, you must know the basics. With the tips mentioned above, you will be better prepared for your mountain biking adventure.

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